Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thursday Bloddy Thursday

Well we spent the day yesterday with Cyndi and Paul at Disneyland. The kids had a lot of fun. I think Paul is still trying to recover from Drew's rasberry spit on his face. The kids are sure getting easier at places like Disneyland. They did really good last week at Sea World when we took them too.

I have to go with my sister today to get her baby circumcised. I get to hold him when they do it because my sister can't stand to be in the room. I can't say I blame her. I don't think I could be in the room when they did it to my son. I am the closest one to my nephew after my sister so I feel like I need to be there to comfort the little guy. I've heard it's much worse for him now that he is a month old compared to when they have it done when they are 2-3 days old. (He was in intensive care so they couldn't do it when he was a newbie) The nerve endings ae greater and so is the bleeding. I know I will probably cry for him. It can't be fun. And you thought your day was challenging.....

1 comment:

J said...

I am glad that I wasn't right there for Spenser's circumcision. I heard him cry, though. They took him into a room a couple of doors down from my room in the hospital and I heard him cry and then they brought him back a few minutes later, seemingly no worse for the wear. Glad he was just a day or two old.