100 Things1. I'm happy when it rains.
2. I've always wanted to be a wife and a mother.
3. I've given up on scrapbooking in favor of blogging.
4. I miss sleeping in to 1pm.
5. I've seen the movie Billy Madison more than 100 times.
6. I hate feet unless they are baby feet.
7. I know that some time in my life I'll be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
8. I love curling up with a good book.
9.When I see a flower that I know the name of I think of my mother and I'm glad she taught me about them.
10. I can sing any and all lyrics to any song they play on K-Earth but can't name what it is or who it's by most of the time.
11. My life's dream is to travel to Europe with Nick for a month taking along my Grandparents tour books to see what they saw and stay where they stayed.
12. I worry that I will pass on my tendency to yell to my children.
13. I love to read but hate to read out loud. I'm not good at it unless I have read it before hand and then read it out loud. If I am reading it for the first time I always mess up something.
14. Earthquakes freak me out.
15.I hate to wear shorts and skirts.
16. I need to go to the dentist but am afraid of all the work I will have to have done.
17. I want to learn how to play the guitar.
18. I have a list of things I would like to do before I die.
19. When I was 10-11 years old I took English Riding Lessons. I only competed once because it was so expensive. I loved to ride a cantering horse and jump.
20.I hate Barney.
21.I know basic sign language. I'd like to learn more.
22. I love TIVO and can't imagine life with out it.
23. I love getting cards and letters in the snail mail.
24. I've eaten rattle snake.
25. I can't stand it when people leave their blinkers on.
26. My first word was "hi"
27. I didn't ride in an airplane until I was 16. I was freaked out and even left a "in case I die these are my wishes letter" behind. I told my sister Crystal where it was if anything happened to me.
28. I often dream that people are trying to kill me and I have to defend my self.
29. I flick boogers.
30. I won 2nd place out of 300 kids in a baby beauty contest when I was 2.
31. I think God made dimples simply for my enjoyment.
32. When I first met Nick I couldn't picture myself ever marrying him.
33.I hope to live half the life and adventure as my grandmother did.
34. When my kids are all in school I want to raise guide dog puppies in memory of my grandmother.
35.I played the flute in 5th grade.
36. I did children's theater when I was 15-16 years old. I loved to act. I'd do anything to get a laugh. I was in drama class and plays in 6-8th grade. I took a Drama class my freshman year in high school. I wanted to be a casting director when I grew up.
37. I love filling out forms.
38. I am terrible at math. I was never made to learn my times tables as a kid so I still don't know my 7's and 8's. I plan to re-learn and learn a lot for the first time as Abby is going through school.
29. I love Morning Glories.
30. I was in honors and AP English classes all through high school.
31. I've read Crime and Punishment, and I liked it.
32. I love strawberries with whip cream and powdered sugar but not so much on their own.
33. I love to take pictures with our digital camera.
34. I love the smell of my newborn babies heads.
35. I hate folding and hanging up laundry.
36. My family called me Missy when I was growing up. It freaks me out now when someone slips and calls me it now.
37. I've seen U2 in concert 9 times.
38. My shoe size is 8 1/2.
39. The friend I feel closest to lives in another state.
40. Violence in real life,movies,or TV sticks with me.
41. I was always the fat kid.
42. 42 is my favorite number thanks to the Douglas Adams' book Life the Universe and everything
43.I've spent only 24 hours in New York.
44. I don't mind changing diapers.
45. My high school football coach taught me how to swim when I was a freshman in high school.
46. I've seen a man hit by a car while crossing a cross walk. My dad and I jumped out of the car to do CPR if needed. It wasn't.
47. I've seen a small plane crash in Big Bear. Both men were dead by the time we got there.
48. I've seen a baby that weighed less than 2 pounds the first day of her life.
49. I've seen a baby being born in person.
50. I hate hot weather.
51. I'd rather go to the beach when its over cast or raining.
52. I love the feeling of a baby moving inside of me.
53. The smell of a mint plant instantly reminds me of my childhood.
54. I once knocked my brothers tooth out,it was in self defense.
55. I once pulled a board with a rusty nail in it out of my sister's bare foot.
56. My sister has a picture of my bare butt on her cell phone that shows up every time I call her.
57. I've felt judged by people for not being a girlie girl.
58. I've only had some what short hair twice in my life.
59. I want to get a tattoo sometime in my life.
60. I've broken a bone in my foot one time and sprained the same foot badly 3 times. I was Pregnant 2 of those times.
61. I've experienced infertility.
62. I'm not bothered by helping people when they are sick and dying. I feel like it's an incredible way to serve them.
63. I can not hear the song Amazing Grace and not cry at the line"I was once blind but now I see."
64. I've heard the funniest thing Cyndi Hutchins has ever said.
65. I can't stand the taste of diet soda.
66. I love camping.
67. I'm a picky eater.
68. 80% of my TV watching is children's shows.
69. God has always provided for me.
70. I don't like my name.
71. When I was in 5th grade I demanded to be called DJ after Candace Cameron's character on Full House.
72. I thought I'd one day name my daughter Tapanga.
73. I love Pepsi.
74. I had a crush on Jonathan Brandis and Andrew Keegan when I was young.
75. I was really upset over the death of John Ritter.
76. I saw a man take his own life on live TV at the end of a police chase. I locked my self in the bathroom and cried for hours. I have never watched a police chase since then.
77. I was at Crissy Baker's 14th Birthday party while the OJ bronco chase was going on. I didn't get what the big deal was.
78. I remember sitting on the floor in front of my tv watching the Berlin Wall fall.
79. I hate hot coco, tea, coffee, and hot apple cider.
80. I'm afraid to play poker in Vegas because my math skills are so bad.
81. When my kids are jr high age and older Nick and I want to take them on a missions trip to Africa.
82.I've written songs for musicals and sang a solo in a play and with choir but am mortified to sing karaoke.
83. I think I'm a good friend.
84. I once ended up in Mexico on accident.
85. The only college I applied for was Biola.
86. I wouldn't want to go back and re-live high school for anything. The only thing I miss about it is performing with Tall Flags and winter guard.
87. I wish I took more road trips in college.
88. I'm afraid I will never go anywhere beyond the United States.
89. I've only dated 5 people in my life. Only 3 of them were more than 3 dates.
90. I once went to Las Vegas just to get Ric Price a "horny" Viking hat.
91. I've kidnapped a 3 foot tall Easter Bunny.
92. I've never loved anyone near as much as I love my husband.
93. I appreciate my mother so much more now that I have children of my own.
94. I have the deepest bonds with my sisters Crystal and Elizabeth.
95. My freshman year at Biola my roommate Angela and I had a"Lay around in your underwear all day day."
96. It really bugs me when someone says they will be praying for you and you know they won't be that it's just part of the chrisitanese they grew up saying. I take it very seriously, when I say I will be praying for you, I am praying for you!
97. I ditched high school 4 times. Half days not full days. One of those times involved scaling a 6 foot tall chain length fence next to auto shop. A security guard figured out what we were doing and started to head our way with his walkie talkie in hand. A friend of mine yelled "Don't think, just run!" Auto shop cheered us on as we scaled the fence and poured into our friends waiting Ford Falcon. 7 of us fit into that tiny car that day.
98. I've only been drunk one time. I didn't even realize it until I looked up at a ceiling fan and puked.
99. I was physically ill after the reading of the OJ verdict.
100. I am a sucker for filling out quizzes/surveys too.